What caught your eye this week? (Telescopes, Microwave, LEO broadband)

by · Electronics Weekly.com

We’re talking about improving images from a telescope, the President of the EC, microwave energy, and a LEO broadband satellite constellation…

The Electronics Weekly team share some fingerposts – their picks of the week, in terms of announcements, developments, product releases, quotes, or anything else in the wide world of electronics, that caught their eye…

Caroline Hayes, editor
Maybe inspired by this week’s super moon, this vision technology can improve images from a telescope to bring more colour and clarity to the night skies.

David Manners, components editor

What caught my eye this week was an amusing spat between the President of the EC and the EC Commissioner for the Internal Market resulting in the latter’s witty resignation.

Steve Bush, technology editor

There is nothing like a whole new thing to get the creative juices going, and a demonstration of long-lasting ‘smoke ring’ mode packets of microwave energy has got to inspire someone to do something novel

Alun Williams, web editor

What caught my eye was Telesat, the Canadian satellite operator, completing government funding for its Lightspeed Low Earth Orbit broadband satellite constellation.